Résultats de votre recherche

  • Christophe Etchegaray - Senior Vice President, Partnerships - a reçu un Master of Sales and Marketing de ESSCA School of Management.
    AccorHotels - Hôtels - France
  • Francois Gazuit - Operations Director - a reçu un diplôme de ESSCA School of Management.
    Domitille Vielle - Head of Investor Relations and Financial Communication - a reçu un Master in Finance de ESSCA School of Management.
    Fnac Darty - Distribution - France
  • Adrien Grosso - President of Europe and Middle East - has a Master in Business, Purchase, Logistics and Marketing from ESSCA School of Management and Master in Strategic Distribution, Consumer Behaviour and Strategic Management from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
    Loewe - Luxe - Espagne
  • Thierry Suquet - Customer Experience Director - a reçu un Bachelor in International Trade de ESSCA School of Management.
    Volkswagen Group France - Automobile - France
  • Paul Beuyukian - Managing Director, Investments - a reçu un Master of Science in Banking and Finance de ESSCA School of Management.
    A.P. Moller Capital - Fond - Danemark
  • Guillaume Duverdier - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de ESSCA School of Management.
    Heineken Mexico - Boissons - Mexique
  • Victoria Aubry - Marketing and Network Communication Manager - a reçu un Master in Automotive Market Development de ESSCA School of Management.
    Volvo Car France - Automobile - France
  • Patrice Monti - Sales and Marketing Director - a reçu un Masterin Marketing and Strategy de ESSCA School of Management.
    AFP - Media - France
  • Charles Pfauwadel - Senior Vice President, Asia - has a Master of Business Administration, Logistics and Purchasing from ESSCA School of Management and Master in Economics from Kasetsart University.
    Airswift - Recrutement - Etats—Unis
  • Marin Chauvin - Vice President of Finance and Middle Office - has a Master in Finance and Accounting from ESSCA School of Management and Master of Laws from Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    Axa Venture Partners - Fond - France
  • Romain Tanguy - Managing Director, Groupama Mediterranee - a reçu un Management Degree de ESSCA School of Management.
    Groupama - Assurance - France
  • Yves Gourhannic - Departmental Director, Finistere - a reçu un diplôme de ESSCA School of Management.
    Credit Mutuel de Bretagne - Banque - France
  • Paul Blanc - Head of Boats Clubs and New Businesses - a reçu un Master in Marketing and International Trade de ESSCA School of Management.
  • Damien Cleris - Managing Director - a reçu un Finance Degree de ESSCA School of Management.
    Natixis Interepargne - Banque - France
  • Sebastien Tricaud - Co-Founder - a reçu un Master in Marketing and Sales de ESSCA School of Management.
    Voyage Privé - Divertissement & Voyage - France
  • Christian Guinot - Chief Executive Officer, Asia-Pacific - a reçu un Master de ESSCA School of Management.
  • Xavier Martin - Chief Executive Officer and General Director Adhesive Technologies - a reçu un Business, Marketing and Sales Degree de ESSCA School of Management.
    Henkel France - Produits pour la maison - France
  • Sebastien Forget - Head of Sales Operations - a reçu un Degree in Finance de ESSCA School of Management.
    BMW France - Automobile - France
  • Xavier Diry - Chief Executive Officer of Claims International - a reçu un diplôme de ESSCA School of Management.
    Dekra - Automobile - Allemagne
  • Christophe Bertin - Head of Finance and Accounting - a reçu un Master de ESSCA School of Management.
    Arendt & Medernach - Services juridiques - Luxembourg
  • Maylis Crassard - Head of Agency Development and Marketer Education, Western Europe - a reçu un diplôme de ESSCA School of Management.
    Linkedin France - Recrutement - France
  • Dominique Schelcher - Chairman - a reçu un diplôme de ESSCA School of Management.
    Coopérative U - Distribution - France
  • Francois Brenti - Vice President of Commercial - a reçu un Master in Finance and Accounting de ESSCA School of Management.
    Ikea China - Ameublement - Chine
  • Raphael Gagna - Head of Finance, New Energies - a reçu un Master In Audit, Finance And Accounting de ESSCA School of Management.
    Butagaz - Pétrole & Gaz - France
  • Patrick Lelant - Finance Director, Growth Relay and Cooperation Management - a reçu un diplôme de ESSCA School of Management.
    Crédit Agricole Sud Méditerranée - Banque - France

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