Résultats de votre recherche

    23 Résultats
  • Henning Lysdal - Vice President, Photonics Architecture - a reçu un Master of Science in Microelectronics Eng. de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
  • Henrik Andersen - Vice President and Head, Cell Line, Process and Analytical Development - a reçu un Master of Science de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Bristol-Myers Squibb - Pharmacie - Etats—Unis
  • Finn Möhring - Chief Technology Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Electrical Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
  • Uffe Tomasson - Chief Operating Officer - a reçu un Master of Sciencec in Electrical Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    GlobalConnect Group - Télécommunications - Suède
  • Soren Abildgaard - Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer - a reçu un Master of Science in Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
  • Susie-Ann Spiegelhauer - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Master of Science in Chemistry de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Accoat - Chimie - Danemark
  • Susie-Ann Spiegelhauer - Chief Executive Officer of Accoat - a reçu un Master of Science in Chemistry de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    SP Group A/S - Chimie - Danemark
  • Sten Stoltze - Senior Vice President, Chief Technology and Head of Engineering - a reçu un Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Orsted - Energie - Danemark
  • Lars Bang - Member of the Management Board and Executive Vice President, Product Development and Supply - has a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and B.com. Marketing HD/afsætningsøkonomi from Copenhagen Business School.
    Lundbeck - Pharmacie - Danemark
  • Henrik Guldberg - Vice President of Research and Development - has a PhD in Surface Chemistry from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and Master of Science in Chemical Engineering and Materials from DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Topsoe - Chimie - Danemark
  • Klaus Andersen - Chief Executive Officer of Tietoevry Banking - a reçu un Master of Science in Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technology de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
  • Mette Kaagaard - Managing Partner, Risk Advisory - a reçu un Master in Mechanical Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Deloitte Denmark - Audit & Comptabilité - Danemark
  • Antoine Larvore - Chief Technology Officer - has a Master of Science, Wind energy from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical engineering and Energy engineering from Heriot-Watt University.
    Windar Photonics - Semi—conducteurs - Danemark
  • Soren Egestad - Chief Data Officer - a reçu un Master of Science in Chemistry de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Novozymes - Chimie - Danemark
  • Daniel Kollberg - Senior Vice President of Europe, The Middle East and Africa - a reçu un Electrical and Electronics Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
  • Torben Nissen - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un PhD in Metabolic Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Repertoire Immune Medicines - Biotechnologie - Etats—Unis
  • René Brandt - Chief Executive Officer, Ikano Bolig - has a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and Master of Science in Construction Management from University of Reading.
    Ikano Bostad - Immobilier - Suède
  • Peter Ropke - Chief Executive Officer (until Nov 30 2024) - a reçu un Master of Sciene in Electrical Engineering.sc.e.e. de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    RTX Telecom - Télécommunications - Danemark
  • Mogens Pedersen - Chief Technology officer - a reçu un Master of Science in System Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Basware - Logiciels - Finlande
  • Lars Agerlin - Vice President of Research and Development - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Anders Beck - Vice President, Strategy and Innovation - has a Doctor of Philosophy in Robotics from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and Master of Science in Electronics Engineering from Danmarks Tekniske Universitet.
    Universal Robots - Equipements Industriels - Danemark
  • Claus Pedersen - Director - has a PhD in Management, Strategy and Sustainability from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and Master in Chemical Engineering from DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Chosa Oncology - Biotechnologie - Suède
  • Christian Olgaard - Chief Technical Officer and Co-Founder - a reçu un PhD in Electrical Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    LitePoint - Logiciels - Etats—Unis
  • Lars Jacobsen - Project Development Director - a reçu un diplôme de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Jakob Wissing Villadsen - Senior Construction Manager, Green Hills - a reçu un Master in Civil Engineering de DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
    Henrik Jørgensen - Senior Construction Manager, Rubinhaven - has a Master in Building Engineer from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and Bachelor in Economics and Organization from Copenhagen Business School.
    Sjaelso Management - Immobilier - Danemark

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