Résultats de votre recherche

    11 Résultats
  • Guido Radack - Vice President of Digital Transformation - a reçu un diplôme de Technische Universität Dresden.
    Bayer - Pharmacie - Allemagne
  • Anja Kuechler - Head of Retail Audit - a reçu un diplôme de Technische Universität Dresden.
    BMW North America - Automobile - Etats—Unis
  • Jan Siegmund - Director - has a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from Technische Universität Dresden and Master of Arts in Economics from University of California, Santa Barbara.
    Western Union - Services financiers - Etats—Unis
  • Daniel Brueckner - Senior Vice President of Business Development and Partnerships - a reçu un Master in Applied Media Science de Technische Universität Dresden.
    We Are Era - Media - Allemagne
  • Nadine Müller-Eckel - Head of Strategy, Berlin - a reçu un Master Degree in Communication Science, Political Science & Sociology de Technische Universität Dresden.
  • Sebastian Schebera - Director - a reçu un Degree in Mechanical Engineering de Technische Universität Dresden.
  • Tobias Klauss - Member of the Management Board, Chief Risk Officer - a reçu un Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematics and Statistics, magna cum-laude de Technische Universität Dresden.
    Great Lakes Reinsurance - Réassurance - Allemagne
  • Thomas Arnold - Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un diplôme de Technische Universität Dresden.
    BMW Arnold - Automobile - Allemagne
  • Victor Bemmann - Head of Portfolio Management and Member of the Management Board - a reçu un Master in Mathematics de Technische Universität Dresden.
    Universal Investment Group - Holding - Allemagne
  • Lisa Hannusch - Head of Innovation and Corporate Development - has a Master of Science in Physics from Technische Universität Dresden and Bachelor of Science Economicsin from RWTH Aachen University.
    GIG Technology & Real Estate - Conglomérat industriel - Allemagne
  • Mareike Fintzen - Construction Manager - a reçu un diplôme de Technische Universität Dresden.

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